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Homestay Feedback from Students/Guests

We would like to hear about your recent experience at your homestay. Please help us by completing the short form below.


General Experience

(1 star = Very Dissatisfied, 5 stars = Very Satisfied)
(1 star = Very Uncomfortable and Unsafe, 5 stars = Very Comfortable and Safe)

Relationship with Host Family

(1 star = Very Poor, 5 stars = Excellent)
(1 star = Very Poorly, 5 stars = Very Well)
(1 star = Very Unsupportive, 5 stars = Very Supportive)

Adaptation & Cultural Exchange

(1 star = Strongly Disagree, 5 stars = Strongly Agree)
(1 star = Very Poorly, 5 stars = Very Well)

Practical Arrangements

(1 star = Very Poor, 5 stars = Excellent)
(1 star = Very Dissatisfied, 5 stars = Very Satisfied)

Support from Study Vision

(1 star = Very Unhelpful, 5 stars = Very Helpful)
(1 star = Very Poor, 5 stars = Excellent)

Challenges & Issues

(1 star = Very Poorly, 5 stars = Very Well)

Recommendations & Improvements

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